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Verso un'infanzia felice
"TenerAmente – Verso un’infanzia felice" is a project aimed at strengthening socio-educational services in support of families with children aged 0-6 in vulnerable conditions, provided by public and private social entities in the intervention areas (Bari, Bergamo, Catania-Misterbianco, Napoli and Pescara). Children and families would be able to access more integrated and multisector paths of support, based on prevention, as well as the enhancement of personal, family and environmental resources. This greater integration stems from the promotion of the Community Public Private Partnership, which cooperates in strengthening the supply chain. The prevention of risk factors of maltreatment and the enhancement of resources are the result of a training based on innovative early detection tools (Child Abuse Potential Inventory Protocol, validated by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan), as well as a capacity building program that draws upon the paradigm of assisted resilience (Research Unit on Resilience, RiRes).

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