​Master in Relazioni d’aiuto in contesti di sviluppo e cooperazione nazionale e internazionale
The “Master in Relazioni d’aiuto in contesti di sviluppo e cooperazione nazionale e internazionale” focuses on relational processes involving relational actors, through a metodology that guides participants towards constructive experiences of encounter. Other than providing a general framework on human rights issues, international conventions and the role of cooperation, the program aims to offer methodological and operational approaches necessary for the activation of cooperation, development and assistance projects. The Master focuses on working on aid-oriented, resilience-based and collaboration-rooted relations.
The Master is tailored for undergraduate and graduate students, both from Italian and foreign universities, in possession of at least a bachelor degree. The Master accepts students from various faculties, in accordance with the multidisciplinary orientation of cooperation and development interventions, where professionals from different academic backgrounds are employed.
The training program is structured along two lines. First, fundamental courses introduce the reflective, intercultural, socio-economic and institutional-political processes required to operate in development and cooperation scenarios. Then, additional courses focus on areas of study useful for understanding the working contexts of helping professions.
​ Classes (1500 hours – 60 ECTS) begin in January and run until December, on Fridays from 2pm to 7pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 6pm