Director of the Resilience Research Unit (RiRes). Full Professor, member of the University Center for International Solidarity and of the Board of Directors of the Bureau International Catholique de l'Enfance (BICE).
Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Adjunct Professor in "Developmental Psychology" and "Adolescent Psychology: Risks and Addictions" at the faculties of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) of Brescia and Piacenza. She teaches in the Masters in International Cooperation and Development - ASERI (High School of Economics and International Relations) and in "Helping relationship in national and international cooperation and development contexts" at UCSC in Milan. She carries out consultancy activities for the third sector dealing with supervision, training and research.
Developmental psychologist, specialized in working with children, adolescents and families in contexts of vulnerability and protection. She teaches in the course "Adolescent psychology: risk and addictions" at the Catholic University of Piacenza. She operates in contexts of vulnerability and emergency in Italy and abroad with training and action research interventions aimed at promoting individual and community resilience processes. Her professional interest then extends to the world of sport, where shedeals with tutoring and educational assistance for young athletes.
Diego Boerchi, Ph.D. in social and developmental psychology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan. Aggregate professor in vocational guidance and career development psychology and in Career counseling and work wellbeing. Scientific director of the Postgraduate course in Career counselling and member of the scientific committee of the masters in competence certification. Scientific director of the project EMoCC (European Mobility Career Counseling, ERASMUS+) and general coordinator the project ESPoR (European Skills Portfolio for Refugees, AMIF Mister of the internal). Deputy director of the CROSS (Center of Research on Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling) and member of the Committee for Equal Opportunities.
She is Full Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) in Milan and is Director of the Department of Psychology. She is coordinator of the Research Doctorate "Sciences of the Person and of Education", at UCSC. She is co-director of the series "Educational Psychology. Development and educational processes", for Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milan. She is a member of the scientific committee of the series "Themes and authors of psychology", for Carocci Editore, Rome. She is an ordinary member of: Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Section of Developmental Psychology; Italian Society of Educational and Training Psychology; European Society for Developmental Psychology. Member of the Executive Committee and Regional Coordinator of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development. Vice-President of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP).
Full Professor of Developmental Psychology and
Coordinator of the Master Program in Developmental Psychology and Child Protection. Member of the Executive board of C.Ri.d.e.e. (Centre of Research in Developmental and Educational Dynamics), Catholic University of Milan Member of the Research Unit on Trauma Psychology; the Research Unit on Creativity and Innovation; the Research Unit on Digital Media, Psychologi and Well-being, Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan. Executive Editor of the journal "Maltrattamento e abuso all'infanzia" - Franco Angeli, Milan. Head of the Executive Board of Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) – Section of Developmental & Educational Psychology
Executive Board of Italian Association of Traumatic Stress Studies (SISST). Advisor of the Committee of the Children Ombudsman of Lombardy. Member of the Workgroup on childhood and adolescence - Lombardy Board of Psychologists
Educator, doctoral candidate in Education and Society at the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona. Professor in the master course in “Helping Relationship in context of national and international development and cooperation”. She took part SPAR project (Europeam Skills passaport for refugees) funded by The Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Works as a consultant at several institutions and NGOs.
Psychologist and psychotherapist, he coordinates the Master in "Help Relation in contexts development and national and international cooperation ", at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) in Milan. He is engaged in constant research and training on the themes of the helping relationship, well-being, resilience and processes individual and collective psychosocial He is an Honorary Judge at the Juvenile Court of Milan and collaborates with the National Fire Brigade.
Psychologist, teacher of Psychosomatic Mindfulness, conducts exercises in the course of Developmental Psychology.
Psychology researcher at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, where she obtained a doctorate in collaboration with the Parent-Infant Research Institute of Melbourne on postpartum disorders.
Maria Rosaria Mancinelli, psychologist and psychotherapist, has carried out research, teaching and consultancy activities for many years at the University's Cross (Research Center on Orientation and Socio-professional Development) and RiRes (Research Unit on Resilience).
Cattolica of Milan. She is the author of numerous academic and popular publications.