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Giordano, F., Cipolla, A. (2019). The photolangage applied to the model of
intervention "Guardians of Resilience": experience of working with social workers in Libya. In M. Mancinelli (edited by), Photolangage. A journey through images in contexts of vulnerability (pp. 50-61). Milan: Educatt.

Giordano, F. (2017) A Qualitative Tool for Detecting and Approaching
Psychological Trauma in Children Victims of the 2009 Italian Earthquake. In M.
H. Maurer (edited by). Child and Adolescent Mental Health (pp. 41-57). Intech
Open. ISBN: 978-953-51-3190-8. DOI: 10.5772 / 67364

Giordano, F. (2017) La resilience: de inspiration a l'action. temoignages,
reflexions, experiences. Genève: Cahiers du BICE.

Giordano, F. (2016). The test de trois dessins: avant, pendant et avenir. One
qualitative tool for the clinical evaluation of psychic trauma in the child
earthquake victim, Italian Academic Editions, OmniScriptum GmbH &
Co. KG. ISBN: 978-3-639-65534-6

Giordano, F., Mulomba, E. (2015). The approach based on resilience. In C. Castelli (edited by), Tutors of resilience. Orientation guide for psycho-educational interventions (pp. 177-198). Milan: Educatt.

Giordano, F. (2015). Psychic trauma. In C. Castelli (edited by), Tutors of
resilience. Orientation guide for psycho-educational interventions (pp. 20-24). Milan: Educatt.

Arpigliano, S., Giordano, F., Mulomba, E., & Skamlova, M. (2015). Education
Formal and Informal and The Resilience Process. In C. Castelli (edited by), Tutors of resilience. Orientation guide for psycho-educational interventions (pp. 30-47). Milan: Educatt.

Dasoki, D., Giordano, F., Hurtubia, V., & Serio, F. (2015). The use of the Tale
in the Resilience Process. In C. Castelli (edited by), Tutors of resilience. Orientation guide for psycho-educational interventions (pp. 48-61). Milan: Educatt.

Giordano, F., Mulomba, E., & Rivolta M. (2015). Resilience and law. In C.

Castelli (edited by), Tutors of resilience. Orientation guide for psycho-interventions
educational (pp. 61-71). Milan: Educatt.

Giordano, F. (2012). Resilience in contexts of natural disasters. One approach
systemic. In P. Feo, M. Iazzolino, W Nanni. [edited by]. Over the Rainbow.
Children and mental health in emergency situations and natural disasters (pp. 121-
140). Bologna: Dehonian editions.

Giordano, F. (2012). Le «test de trois dessins:" avant "," pendant "et" avenir "". Un outil qualitatif pour l'évaluation clinique du traumatisme psychique chez l'enfant victim de tremblement de terre, thèse de doctorat, UFR des Lettres, des Sciences de l'Homme et des Sociétés.

Giordano, F. (2011). Theoretical approaches and research methodology for taking in
burden of children in traumatic contexts. In C. Castelli, (edited by), Resilienza e
creativity. Theories and techniques in vulnerable contexts (pp. 12-19) Milan:
Franco Angeli.

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